Thank you to those of you who attended last week’s Virtual Huddle. 32 leaders were present! It was truly encouraging to see all of your faces.

Patrick started off by reading from Romans 8:31-39 which states:

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor  life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about  tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the  sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate  us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We heard various praise stories including new babies born into the Harcelrode and Martz Groups, newfound courage to speak up about one’s faith (Matt Grumbrecht), Lancaster Burger Company’s meal delivery to area healthcare facilities (Smokers), the James group providing meals together, the brand new Dougherty group realizing God’s sovereign timing in the start of their group and Kevin/Kristin Hershey’s group being able to invite others in their community to watch CFC’s services online. We also heard from Mark Tipton about some hardships that their group has faced recently, but have really come together to support one another during this time.

We then opened up the conversation to Ideas to keep our groups alive and engaged during this time. Here are some responses:

  • Starting off with a game. The winners are gifted with nachos/queso delivered to their house that week.

  • Crazy Hat Day

  • Creating a scavenger hunt for their group to do and then create a video.

  • Themes to your zoom call.

  • Asking for prayer requests before or after your meeting rather than during.

  • Sending a few questions/agenda ahead of time so group members are prepared for what to discuss.

  • Rotating who will be leading each week.

  • Separating the group into men/women calls.

  • Asking the question, “how can we serve others? How have you seen God working this week.” Shifting the focus away from the negative and into the positive.

  • Start each meeting with a question pertaining to what is currently going on. Everyone participates. Example: How do you find peace during anxious times like this? What verses are especially inspiring to you?

  • Spend time in prayer for people we know that on the front lines (nurses, police, firefighters, etc.) As your meeting topic, ask your group to contribute ways to serve others during this crisis and then set up an action plan. Follow up the next week.

  • As the weather improves, consider meeting outside ( keep social distancing)

  • Close in giving praise to God. If time allows, have group leaders join in prayer and thanksgiving.

Please continue to share positive stories with us by posting to the Facebook page or emailing groups@communityfellowship.com. We’d love to share them with others. We’d also love to hear of ways our church family can serve the community around us. If your group is participating in something, please don’t hesitate to contact us to recruit more help.